We had being taught at school about mathematics, accounting, general knowledge just too bad that the teacher never tell us where the hell money come from. (This is because the teacher also don't know how to explain to us sigh)
It would seem natural, that the money is created by the Government, and in fact most Central Banks seem to be owned by the Government and run by it. I say "seem" because when the Government needs money, it does not order the Central Bank to credit some money to the treasury's account. The Government only has two ways to obtain money. One is taxation of it's citizen, the other is borrowing from the bank.
Okie. If you are still with me from the Part 1: How can the banks "create" money? That is a good question. Is it not the Government's printing office that prints all the banknotes?
Most of the time, we are misleading by the movie that the Government can simply printing money when they need to do so. As I mention early money is create by credit. When the Government need some
Now we start to see why the Government never has money, and why much of our taxes go "off the top" of the budget, towards debt service. As a strong prove of my statement, the Government budget alway showing negative which means using future taxpayer's money.
The important thing to know: Money is created just by inserting some numbers into a computer.
To be continue...