This had been long time never login after the last entry. Here you go my sharing about the financial cirsis happening around us.
Financial advisors are like any other profession; some are very smart and talented, whereas others border on the edge of incompetency. In the middle is a mix of people who generally do a decent job managing their clients' money.The problem in bear markets is that many individuals let anger interfere with rationale decisions. Rather than stick with strategies that have worked in the past (and have been proven to work over the long-term), many investors look for alternatives. Often these changes do more harm than good.As an analogy, the same thing happens with dieting. Individuals who lose weight and then switch diet plans when the pounds start to come back are likely to gain even more weight than those who go back to the diet plan that originally worked for them. Investing is no different. If a diversified portfolio comprised of fundamentally-sound stocks with rising earnings estimate and attractive valuations has worked in the past, why change the strategy now?Bear markets are painful, but they are also temporary. Remember, investing is about the long-term. So stick to strategies that have proven to work over the long-term.
Friday, October 24, 2008
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